Join the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care
The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care


Faculty Vacancies *Now Closed*

16 April 2021

The following vacancies have become available within the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care: FPHC Chair, FPHC Vice Chair (Doctor), FPHC Honorary Treasurer & The Gibson Chair Lectureship.


South East Virtual Lecture Series

24 March 2021

A three part leacure series looking at the roles and responsibilities of the three main emergency services, both core responses and specialist capabilities. Each services will also look at the level of medical care available within their services to allow a better understanding of each service and their capacity, enhancing interoperability.


FPHC Webinar: Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest

18 March 2021

Join us at our next FPHC Webinar: Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest - what's new This webinar takes place at 7pm on the 21st April, where you can hear from the experts about several exciting developments in cardiac arrest.


FPHC North East Region Virtual Conference

3 February 2021

The FPHC North East Regional Team have put together their first Virtual Conference. Join us on the evening of the 10/03/21 at 7pm to find out about what different organizations can provide to patients in the North East. The conference will offer an insight into the pre-Hospital activities taking place in the North East.


RCSEd and UCLan signal their intent on future collaboration and joint working

2 February 2021

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) and The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), setting out their mutual commitment to collaboration and to exploring future opportunities for joint working in the areas of medical education, training and research.


News Archive

Select a year and month from the headings below to view news items from that month.

Upcoming System Maintenance & Network Disruption

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
