The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care Student and Trainee Group is a group of students and trainee professionals within the fields of medicine, nursing, and paramedicine, who are committed to developing and extending opportunities in training and education for careers in pre-hospital emergency medicine (PHEM). As a committee of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care RCSEd, the primary focus is to extend the work of the Faculty into the realms of students and juniors to help promote opportunities and training of the highest standard, and as widely as possible.
The committee comprises of an Executive, made up of a Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past Chair, who work with a group of 13 Regional Representatives.
The committee’s primary objectives are:
Regional Representatives link the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care Student and Trainee committee with individuals and groups within their respective region. The role requires maintaining and growing a list of contacts in the region, and working closely with the committee executive to communicate with them. Regional representatives are responsible for:
Regional representatives will also be asked to undertake additional duties as identified by the executive, such as assisting with conference organisation or representing the committee at events.
The Student and Trainee Group
Sophie Riley Sophie is a resident doctor, currently working as a Major Trauma fellow at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham. During medical school, she completed an intercalated BSc in Pre-Hospital Medicine, a degree which is run in partnership between the London's Air Ambulance, the Institute of Pre-Hospital Care and Barts and the London medical school. Sophie has completed research projects with the London’s Air Ambulance, North West Air Ambulance and Devon Air Ambulance. From 2022-24, she was the Junior Examinations Officer for the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care. Outside medicine, she has interests in yoga, sailing and scuba diving.
Jake Jake is a resident doctor working in the Midlands region. He hopes to apply for the Acute Care Common Stem Emergency Medicine pathway, and eventually PHEM sub-specialty training. He has interests in pre-hospital care and austere medicine, with research interests in these areas too. Jake is currently involved with pre-hospital charities, outreach and enhanced care teams locally, as well as supporting undergraduate teaching. In his spare time Jake enjoys the outdoors, particularly running and hiking. He’s looking forward to working with the committee this year!
Yvonne O'Neill Yvonne is a resident doctor working in Bangor, North Wales with an interest in PHEM. She was previously the FPHC Students and Trainee group Rep in Yorkshire, and during her time studying in Sheffield was involved with Sheffield Wilderness Medicine Society and coordinated the Student Community First Responder scheme. She intercalated in Pre-Hospital Medicine at Bart's in London and undertook an elective in Norway spending time with the Norwegian Air Ambulance. Outside of work she enjoys exploring the outdoors having recently swapped the Peak District for the mountains of Snowdonia. |
Whilst the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care are happy to provide this platform for students, please note that this does necessarily denote Faculty endorsement of student activities.
Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.