PHEMnet provides a web based pre-hospital care portfolio and enables FPHC members to input anonymised details of incidents attended, patients treated, drugs delivered and procedures carried out. Work-place based assessments can be completed on PHEMnet, or alternatively, paper based assessments can be scanned into PHEMnet and stored within members’ portfolios, mapping them to the PHEM curriculum. Members are able to record reflections about courses and self-directed learning and map them to the PHEM curriculum. The curriculum that has been covered by each member is summarised by shifts, patients, supervision, curriculum, element, procedure/intervention and condition/diagnosis.
PHEMnet is cloud based and can be accessed using any web browser on any device. PHEMnet utilises industry standard data encryption; the same security as online banking. Your data will be collated anonymously to provide a national database of pre-hospital care activity in order to inform future care development through audit and research. Your personal identifying data will not be used within the collated data.
To take advantage of this benefit, please e-mail us at with your membership reference number. We will inform PHEMnet who will create an online profile for you and you will then be able to access the platform via the link they issue to you. The only information shared between PHEMnet and FPHC will be your FPHC membership number, first name, last name and email address.
The user guides for members are available at the following weblink Within PHEMnet itself there is a help button which links back to that page.
The web link for the IBTPHEM workplace based assessment material is
Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.