Join the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care
The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care

Faculty Opportunities


FPHC Accreditation Lead

The Faculty is seeking an Accreditation Lead to support the ongoing development and management of the Faculty Accreditation process. 

Please note that this position is voluntary therefore unpaid as are all FPHC Committee/Board roles, however we will reimburse your travel expenses in accordance with RCSEd policy.  

Closing date is Friday 9 August 2024 at 5pm.

Click here to Apply

DIPROM C10 Module Tutor

Expressions of Interest for the post of Tutor of the C10 Evidence and Research in Remote Medicine module are invited to support the FPHC Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine Postgraduate Programme.  The role will provide grading and feedback for final submitted assessments for the module.

Closing date Friday 9 August 2024 at 5pm

Click here to Apply

DIPROM C03 Module Tutor

Expressions of Interest for the post of Tutor of the C03 Communication in the Clinical Consultation module are invited to support the FPHC Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine (DipROM)Postgraduate Programme.  The role will provide grading and feedback for final submitted assessments for the module.

Closing date Friday 9 August 2024 at 5pm

Click here to Apply

DIPROM C07 2nd Marker

Expressions of Interest for the post of 2nd Marker (C07 Aeromedicine) module are invited to support the FPHC Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine Postgraduate Programme.  The role will provide grading and feedback for final submitted assessments for the module.

Closing date Friday 9 August 2024 at 5pm

Click here to Apply

Upcoming System Maintenance & Network Disruption

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
