Join the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care
The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care

Speakers and Bios



Dr Pam Hardy

Pam has been Chair of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care since 2021, is a founder member of the Faculty, and the first woman in its history to be appointed as Chair.
Pam lives and works in the Far North of Scotland, as an emergency medicine, pre-hospital and retrieval Consultant, covering the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.


Dr David Bruce

After initially completing a BSc and an MSc in Physiology, he studied medicine and joined the Royal Air Force, trained as a GP and subsequently as a Consultant in Occupational Medicine with aviation medicine training. Retired after 36 years’ military service. He was the RAF Adviser in Pre-Hospital Care for 20 years and deployed operationally to Gulf Wars 1 and 2, the Former Republic of Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. David delivered pre-hospital training in Ecuador and Jordan amongst other countries and was chair of the European Air Group Aviation Medicine Coordination Board. Following retirement, he was the Faculty’s International Development Lead from 2018 – 24 and initiated training in India and Nepal with Dr Rob Russell who took over the role. David has been the Vice Chair of the Training and Standards Committee and became the Chair in 2021. He was awarded the MBE in 1993, promoted to OBE in 2025 and made an Officer of the Order of St John in 2003.


Ms Camella Main

Camella Main is Consultant Midwife for East Midlands Ambulance Service and Lead Midwife for London Ambulance Service. She also co-chairs the National Prehospital Maternity and Newborn Group. In these roles she focusses on empowering ambulance clinicians to deliver high quality and safe care to women and families that require urgent or emergency pre-hospital maternity care during or after pregnancy. She has a Masters in Enhanced Maternity Care and a postgraduate certificate in Neurobehavioural Physical Assessment of the Newborn. She has previously held clinical and leadership posts at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust where she still practices as a midwife. She has also worked in New Zealand, Tanzania, the Netherlands and Haiti and is on the UK-MED register.


Dr Sophie Riley

Sophie is the current Chair of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (FPHC) Student and Trainee Group. From 2022-2024, she was the Junior Examinations Officer for the FPHC, a role which involved recruiting and coordinating the supporters for the DIMC and FIMC examinations. From 2020-21, she completed an intercalated BSc in Pre-Hospital Medicine, a degree which is run in partnership between the London's Air Ambulance, the Institute of Pre-Hospital Care and Barts and the London medical school. In 2024, she commenced a 12-month Major Trauma fellow role at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham.


Dr Zane B. Perkins

Dr Zane Perkins is a consultant Trauma & General (Upper Gastrointestinal) surgeon at the Royal London Hospital and a consultant in prehospital care with London’s Air Ambulance. He is an honorary senior lecturer in Trauma Science at the Blizard Institute and an Academic Fellow at the Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI) at Queen Mary University of London. In 2016, he was awarded a Ph.D. by the University of London for his work on Artificial Intelligence powered predictive analytics to support clinical decision-making in trauma care, and is an investigator on a number of grants to conduct research on AI decision-support in healthcare. His current research focuses on implementing and testing the effectiveness of AI-powered clinical decision support in real-world clinical settings.


Dr Ben Shippey

Ben Shippey's father was marshalling at Silverstone when his mother went into labour, and he has been involved in motorsport ever since. He has supported circuit racing, rallying and cross country events as a doctor since 1995, and has been Chief Medical Officer for the British round of the World Rally Championship and Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the British Grand Prix. In his spare time he is a neuro-anaesthetist and critical care physician, and has been heavily involved in medical education, as Director of the Dundee Institute for Healthcare Simulation, Lead Tutor for the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Senior Lecturer at both Dundee and St Andrews Universities. He was a Royal College Examiner, and contributed to both the European Intensive Care Medicine and the UK post-graduate anaesthesia curricula. He has published extensively on medical education and simulation.


Professor Danë Goodsman

Professor Danë Goodsman is the Academic Lead for Prehospital Medicine at Queen Mary University of London. Within this role she is the co-designer and convener for both the MSc and iBSc in Prehospital Medicine - both programmes run in collaboration with London's Air Ambulance. She is also the academic lead and co-founder of the long-standing Prehospital Care Programme (PCP), a 4-year, integrated series of student selected components. She is the first person in the prehospital field to be recognised as a Professor of Prehospital Medical Education and is a fully qualified educationalist having both first degree and PhD in Education, and a Masters in Innovation, Creativity and Leadership. She has worked in all sectors; from schools through to universities - specifically in the field of medical education since the early 1990s. Alongside her responsibilities to prehospital medical education, she has a well-established professional interest in faculty development and curriculum innovation - within which she has created a range of pioneering programmes. Her specific foci has been on creating learning environments to enable individuals to consider and enhance their practice. She has particularly championed, innovation, praxis, participant voice, and the promotion of individual agency within ethical frameworks. She is a member of the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care at the College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, where she sits on a range of committees, and is Faculty Undergraduate Lead. She also supervises PhDs and speaks regularly about A.S. Neill’s Summerhill School and education generally to a wide range of audiences.


Dr Felix Wood

Felix is an RAF Emergency Medicine and PHEM registrar, currently training at Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. As a Fellow of the Academic Department of Military Emergency Medicine, he has led the evidence review and consensus process for the FPHC statement on managing crush injury (publication pending).


Professor Tim Nutbeam 

Tim is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine working in the southwest of the UK. He is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Post-Collision Care at the University of Plymouth and leads IMPACT – the Centre for Post-Collision Research, Innovation and Translation ( Tim recently led the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Consensus Guidelines on Extrication and chairs the Spinal Immobilisation Consensus Group. His work focuses on improving post-collision care through research, innovation, and the translation of evidence into practice.

Upcoming System Maintenance & Network Disruption

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
