Join the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care
The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care

FPHC Psychosocial Project Working Group


What is the Psychosocial Report – Valuing Staff, Valuing Patients

In Autumn 2018, the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FPHC), established a programme to develop guidance on psychosocial care for practitioners of pre-hospital care. This report is one product of that programme undertaken by a team of senior and trainee practitioners of pre-hospital care and other specialties led by Professor Richard Williams. It includes an overview of the origins and impacts of the stress that affects trainees and staff working in pre-hospital settings.

It reports on surveys and reports that shows that the human cost of distress and mental health problems experienced by staff employed in healthcare settings is huge for many people, and it extends to their colleagues and families. People who work in pre-hospital care are susceptible to these impacts.

The new working group aims?

  • to look at improving the wellbeing of our members, based on the recent FPHC Psychosocial Report
  • to take the FPHC Psychosocial Report forward and ensure its messages and suggestions are heard within the prehospital community
  • to develop resources and hopefully enact change based on the FPHC Psychosocial Report

Download a copy of the report here

Working Group Members

Sarah Morton (Lead), Pam Hardy, Steph Cowan, Anna Forbes, Caroline Leech, Emma Gray, Richard Bayliss, David Parr, Andrew Gant, Jeana Salvan, Alistair Morris, Beth Stevenson

Upcoming System Maintenance & Network Disruption

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
