The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care invites delegates to submit abstracts for their Conference Poster Competition. This competition is an excellent opportunity for professionals to showcase their work.
Delegates are invited to submit abstracts to be presented on Monday 10th November. Posters can incorporate any aspect of pre-hospital care and may include activity, audits, research, and case reports.
Abstracts should be submitted by email to by Friday 19th September.
The winning first author will receive a £100 cash prize. The runner up first author will receive a free delegate pass to the next FPHC Conference.
All entries should include the following:
full names of all contributing authors
e-mail address
organisation and/or place of study
a structured abstract of no more than 350 words.
The abstracts will be judged according to the following criteria:
relevance to pre-hospital care,
structured abstract within word count,
impact on future pre-hospital practice, and
scientific merit.
Important Information:
The presenting author of each poster will be expected to register and pay as a delegate. At least one author must register and attend the conference.
Posters should be presented in paper form in a maximum size of A1 in either portrait or landscape.
All posters must be brought to the Wadsworth Room, Quin Building, RCSEd between 7.30am - 8.30am on the 10th November to be displayed before the conference opens.
Due to limited display space, a maximum of 30 abstract entries will be permitted.
Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.