The Faculty Executive are responsible for the strategic oversight of the Faculty and are accountable to the RCSEd. They represent the professional interests of the Faculty's membership. Decisions made by the Executive and the Faculty Board formulate policy and direct the Faculty on its mission to promote high standards of pre-hospital care through education, research and teaching.
Dr Pam Hardy Dr Pam Hardy is Lead Consultant in Emergency Care at Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin, where she established a consultant-led service in Scotland’s smallest District General Hospital. She also works as a Retrieval Consultant for the Emergency Medical Retrieval Service (North) covering the islands and highlands of Scotland in both a primary and secondary retrieval role. She is a graduate of Sheffield University, trained in paediatrics and emergency medicine, and has worked as an emergency medicine and HEMS consultant in the East Midlands before moving to the “Far North of Scotland” 10 years ago. A founder member of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, she has held roles as Chair of the regional groups, elected member of the executive committee and Co-vice Chair. She has represented FPHC and RCPCH on the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine since its inception in 2009. Pam now loves living in rural Scotland and spends her time off hill walking, running on the beach, cycling in the Outer Hebrides and being at sea, visiting the Scottish Islands. |
Dr Andy Smith Dr Andy Smith holds the Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. A Yorkshire Ambulance BASICS doctor, examiner for Dip IMC and FIMC, Educational Chair for the Yorkshire Branch of the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care and FPHC Crowd Doctors Course Director. He holds the Diploma, Masters and Fellowship of Sports & Exercise Medicine being the Field of Play Clinical/Immediate Care Lead at Twickenham Stadium, RFU England Counties Doctor and Yorkshire County Doctor. Previous 12 years’ experience medical care for club rugby. He has been the Immediate Care Lead for the Rugby World Cup England 2015, Junior World Championship Manchester 2016 and the Women's World Cup 2010. Also was field of play team leader for the London 2012 Olympics and Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. He is the programme director of the RFU Immediate Care in Sport Course, WRU Immediate Care in Rugby and Technical Director and Senior Medical Educator for World Rugby Immediate Care in Rugby being a member of the immediate Pitch Side working Group. He is the clinical governance advisor to Premiership Rugby. |
Dr Fionna Moore Dr Fionna Moore is a Consultant in Pre-hospital Care and Emergency Medicine. Fionna is currently employed as a Senior Medical Advisor by Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey and Sussex (AAKSS) Dr Moore previously served as Executive Medical Director for the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) and as Chief Executive Officer of the London Ambulance Service (LAS), which is the largest public ambulance service in Europe. Joining the Service in 1998 as the first Medical Director, Fionna has worked closely with the Service with responsibility for Clinical Governance, Clinical Audit and Research, and the Service’s Cardiac and Trauma Care strategies. She was London Trauma Director from 2009-2013, implementing the major trauma networks in the capital. After joining SECAmb she focused on service improvement and developing critical care and urgent care specialist paramedics. Dr Moore is a founder member of the Global Resuscitation Alliance and the European Association of EMS. |
Mr Chris Shaw Mr Shaw is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine. His professional background is in acute-sector healthcare. Experience in specialty roles within the public, private and third sectors; spanning emergency medicine, critical care, prehospital and retrieval medicine, resuscitation practice, public health, research, clinical education and high-fidelity simulation. Primary area of clinical interest is prehospital emergency medicine. Diverse range of operational experience across [helicopter] emergency medical services, lowland search & rescue, maritime/offshore, industrial sites and event & mass gathering medicine settings; with specific experience across incident command and delivery of clinical care in less permissive environments (confined spaces, work at height, and remote settings with prolonged extrication & transport times). Critical Care Practitioner, EMRTS Cymru |
Dr Peter Holden Holds the Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (2001) Dip IMC (1991). East Midlands Ambulance Service Strategic Medical Advisor providing daily remote supervision and strategic advice for major incidents. Formerly Senior Partner in a rural teaching and training general practice associated with the University of Nottingham and now an OOH Urgent Medical Care physician. A trained major incident commander with real experience of big bang – Tavistock Square bus bombing, Hillsborough Football Stadium disaster, and rising tide incident - Pandemic Influenza in 2009. Primary care Member of EPRR. East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme, currently a responding Physician and Trustee. 21 years HEMS doctor with Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance and MAGPAS Air Ambulance retiring from the flight line in 2018. MAGPAS Air Ambulance Trustee with responsibility for Clinical Governance oversight. RCGP representative on the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine and its immediate past Chair. Founder member of the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care. Involved in Pre-hospital Care since 1983, helped author develop and run the original PHEC Course and other BASICS Courses. Contributing Author BMA Board of Science Report: Immediate Care Schemes. Vice President BASICS. Clinical Trustee & Chair of medical committee, St John Ambulance. Recipient of The BASICS Award, The Queen’s Golden, Diamond and Platinum Jubilee Medals and King’s Coronation medal in respect of front-line service on the Air Ambulances and Immediate Care Schemes. Lifetime Achievement Award from The Association of Air Ambulances 2015. |
Professor Myles Gibson OBE Professor Myles Gibson laid the foundation of Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine as a medical sub-speciality through the creation of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care in 1996 based on all the work he did in the previous 10 years to develop the idea. He was the first Chairman of the Faculty and held the post for 6 years. Myles was awarded an OBE in 1992. Myles has been heavily involved in developing the medical structure of the Football League. He helped to create the Glasgow Coma Scale. In 1991 he received the BASICS award and in 1995 he received the The Asmund S Laerdal Award. He is still actively involved in the ‘Save a limb Save a Life’ Project internationally. |
Professor Sir Keith Porter Consultant and Professor of Clinical Traumatology at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham working closely with Military patients transferred to the hospital He was knighted in 2010 for his work coordinating trauma care for British troops injured in Afghanistan. Past Chairman of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital care for six years. He has been involved in Pre-hospital Care from 1989 and he was a founder of the Central Accident Resuscitation Emergency (CARE) Team in the West Midlands. He holds the Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care and is a past examiner. He has been Chairman of the Research Committee within the Faculty, Convenor for the Diploma in Immediate Medical Care examination and has held appointments within the College Committee infrastructure. He was the Chairman of the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine. He has been involved in the establishment of a Regional Faculty Infrastructure as well as a successful training program for Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine. He is committed to developing and promoting the roles of non-medical practitioners to include nurses, paramedics, rescue service workers as well as first aiders. |
Dr Richard Lyon |
Mr Martin Esposito |
Mr Martin Eccles |
Dr David Bruce After initially completing a BSc and an MSc in Physiology, he studied medicine and joined the Royal Air Force, trained as a GP and subsequently as a Consultant in Occupational Medicine with aviation medicine training. Retired after 36 years’ military service. He was the RAF Adviser in Pre-Hospital Care for 20 years and deployed operationally to Gulf Wars 1 and 2, the Former Republic of Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. David delivered pre-hospital training in Ecuador and Jordan amongst other countries and was chair of the European Air Group Aviation Medicine Coordination Board. Following retirement, he was the Faculty’s International Development Lead from 2018 – 24 and initiated training in India and Nepal with Dr Rob Russell who took over the role. David has been the Vice Chair of the Training and Standards Committee and became the Chair in 2021. He was awarded the MBE in 1993, promoted to OBE in 2025 and made an Officer of the Order of St John in 2003. |
Dr Charlotte Haldane Charlotte has worked full time as a Doctor in the Pre-hospital setting since 2016. She has worked for 3 HEMS teams in the UK and is currently a HEMS consultant for the North West Air Ambulance, a Supervisor for Magpas Air Ambulance and a Paediatric Retrieval Doctor for PaNDR (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust). She is a Major in the Army Reserves and PHEC (Pre-hospital Emergency Medical) lead for 144 Para Med Sqn |
Dr Laura Bland Dr Laura Bland is a consultant in Emergency Medicine at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton and a critical care doctor with Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. Laura completed her PHEM sub-speciality training with EMRTS in Wales in 2018 following successful completion of emergency medicine training in Wessex. She qualified from the University of Bristol before returning to London for foundation and core training. Laura holds the Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care by examination and has been an active examiner since passing in 2018. She is an educational supervisor for PHEM trainees in the Severn deanery. In September 2022, Laura took over as convenor of examinations for the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care and chair of the assessments committee. Prior to this she represented the FPHC on the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine. |
Mr Simon Rogers Simon Rogers has over three decades of operational experience in Policing and Firearms and brings a wealth of experience in Non-Health Care provision. Simon's professional background includes leadership roles in operational theatres, Firearms command, managing Police Firearms Operations, and training and development. Simon was privileged to attend and successfully complete the Special Forces SAS Patrol Medics ReCred course at Hereford. Simon proudly serves as a CitAid Ambassador, contributing to the advancement of medical care and emergency response initiatives. |
Dr Rob Russell Rob Russell is a military Emergency Physician with extensive operational, staff and management experience and a track record of delivering results. He was educated at Radley College, Abingdon and University College & Middlesex School of Medicine, London and joined the Royal Army Medical Corps as a cadet in 1987 before qualifying in 1990. He holds fellowships with the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians. He is an examiner for the Diploma in Medical Care of Catastrophes at the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, London and is an alumnus of the Cranfield University School of Business. Rob has been Defence Professor and Defence Consultant Advisor in Emergency Medicine. He has also been Medical Director in Field Hospitals on deployment on 3 occasions and Command Surgeon providing senior medical advice in a 2* multinational operational Headquarters. His current post is Assistant Head, Professional Regulation and Training, Army Healthcare. Other roles include International Development Representative for the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, RCS Edinburgh and member of the International Advisory Board of the Faculty of Disaster Medicine India and Nepal. |
Mr David Whitmore |
Professor David Lockey |
Dr Natalie Lonsdale |
Dr Sophie Riley Sophie is the current Chair of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (FPHC) Student and Trainee Group. From 2022-24, she was the Junior Examinations Officer for the FPHC, a role which involved recruiting and coordinating the supporters for the DIMC and FIMC examinations. From 2020-21, she completed an intercalated BSc in Pre-Hospital Medicine, a degree which is run in partnership between the London's Air Ambulance, the Institute of Pre-Hospital Care and Barts and the London medical school. In 2024, she commenced a 12-month Major Trauma fellow role at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham. |
Dr Celestine Weegenaar |
Dr Phil Hyde |
Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.