Join the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care
The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care


Regional Advisory Group

The main function of the Regional Advisory Group is to promote the aims of the Faculty at local level and encourage delivery of high quality education and teaching in pre-hospital care​ by helping co-ordinate and promote all relevant educational activities in each region.

The Regional Chairs provide a link with the Faculty administration, Executive and the regional groups. 

The Chair of this Group is Dr Natalie Lonsdale.

For more information about the representatives and activities by region, please visit the dedicated section on our website.


The Student & Trainee Group

The role of the Student and Trainee Group is to represent students and trainee doctors with an interest in pre-hospital care. They aim to support PHEM education and training for students and trainee doctors.

The Student and Trainee Group has the following objectives in order to achieve their aims:

  • To maintain a network for students and trainee doctors to keep up to date with the relevant news, the Faculty, opportunities in their region and more. 
  • To support national and regional Pre-hospital events aimed at students and trainee doctors through advice, resource support and finance. 
  • To provide a point of contact within the Faculty for students and junior doctors via regional representatives. 

The Chair of this Group is Sophie Riley.

For more information about the Student & Trainee Group and opportunities by regions, please visit the dedicated section on our website.


Non-Medical Healthcare Professionals Group

The main function of the Non-Medical Healthcare Professions Group is to represent the interests of members of the Faculty who are delivering pre-hospital care as non-medical professionals.

Our aim as committee members is to advocate for individuals delivering pre-hospital care and to facilitate the enhancement of their professional capabilities, particularly in non-healthcare professional roles.  Our non-healthcare professional family don't just include statute emergency personnel but first aid qualified individuals who are actively involved in delivering first aid and trauma skills.

The Chair of this Group is Mr Simon Rogers.


Paramedic & Nurse Group

This is a newly formed group, which amalgamates the former paramedic and nurse groups into one. The purpose of the Group is to examine and drive standards and opportunities for advancing practice for paramedics and nurses, within various aspects of pre-hospital emergency care. The group will examine and support these developments and work closely with other organisations.

For more information about this group please visit dedicated section on the website.



The Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine Trainees’ Association (PHEMTA) exists to represent the interests of trainees currently undertaking Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM).

For more information about PHEMTA, please visit the dedicated section on our website.



The Pre-Hospital Trainee Operated Research Network (PHOTON) are a group of non-consultant grade, pre-hospital, doctors who are passionate about improving the quality of pre-hospital research.

The Chair of this group is Dr. Chris Simpson

For more information about PHOTON, please visit the dedicated section on our website.

Upcoming System Maintenance & Network Disruption

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
