Join the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care
The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care

South West

Welcome to the South West Regional page.

Please find information about our region’s organisations below and feel free to get in touch with any of our representatives if you have any questions. 

Regional Representatives

Student Regional Representative


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Tim Nutbeam

Regional Representative 

Grant Walkey

Regional Representative 

Tim Nutbeam is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust and Devon Air Ambulance.

He is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Post-Collision Care at the University of Plymouth and leads IMPACT – the Centre for Post-Collision Research, Innovation and Translation (

Tim led on the EXtrication In Trauma (EXIT) project, which informed the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care’s consensus statement on extrication.

Tim welcomes enquiries about pre-hospital careers and research collaboration, particularly in the field of post-collision care.


Grant Walkey has been involved in search and rescue and education for over 25 years, specialising in water rescue and combining skills as a former firefighter, RNLI lifeboat crew, beach lifeguard, and flood rescue team member, adding advanced skills both clinically as a specialist paramedic and academically as a qualified teacher.

After working for the RNLI and SWAST Ambulance Service, Grant set up his own company as MD and clinical lead of Trident Training & Consultancy which specialises in Rescue, Medical and Safety and clinically governs a number of independent lifeboat stations across the UK.

Grant now also works as a bank paramedic and education manager for SCAS and undertakes additional clinical duties in the urgent care service.
Grant also maintains his sea going operational rescue skills by volunteering for his local lifeboat station.

Grant shares his knowledge, skills and experience as a consultant and trainer specialising in maritime rescue, safety, and medicine wherever he can to help educate them to help others or themselves.


Sonal Patel 

Student Regional Representative

Sonal is a 4th year medical student at the University of Bristol and graduated with an iBSc in Pre-Hospital Medicine in 2024.
She spends her spare time working in event medicine and hiking, and she is passionate about EDI in PHEM.                                                                                                                         

Useful Links

BASICS scheme

BASICS South West

BASICS Gloucestershire





Website / Facebook / Twitter

Ambulance Service

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation


Website / Twitter

Air Ambulance

Devon Air Ambulance Trust

Great Western Air Ambulance Charity

Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance

Wiltshire and Bath Air Ambulance Charity

Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust


Website / Facebook / Twitter

WebsiteFacebook / Twitter

Website / Facebook / Twitter

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WebsiteFacebook / Twitter

Local Trauma Network

University of Plymouth



Local Universities initiatives website

Severn Major Trauma Network

Peninsula Trauma Network

University of Exeter:

Acute Care and Anaesthetics Society

University of Bristol:

Emergency Medicine Society BUEMS


Website / Facebook / Twitter



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Other Organisations

Dartmoor Rescue

Somerset Accident Voluntary Emergency

Swift Medics




Website  / FacebookTwitter

Website / Twitter


Upcoming System Maintenance & Network Disruption

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
