Join the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care
The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care


The Sub-Committees and Groups have been set up to assist and advise the Faculty in the conduct of its affairs, as well as to ensure that its work is strategically aligned to its objectives.

The Sub-Committees and Groups report to the Executive Committee.

Faculty Pre-Hospital Care Examinations Committee

The pre-hospital examination committee of the RCSEd incorporates the assessment committee of the IBTPHEM. The committee meets twice per year (January and July) and ensures governance overview of the provision of national pre-hospital exams. The committee is chaired by the Convener of pre-hospital exams and has clinical and administrative representation. The pre-hospital care examinations committee reports to the Faculty of Pre-Hospital care advisory group, the IBTPHEM and the RCSEd examinations committee.

The Convener of pre-hospital exams and chair of the IBTPHEM assessment committee is Dr Laura Bland.

Training & Standards Committee

The main functions and responsibilities of the Training & Standards Committee are to:

• review and endorse where possible applications relating to pre-hospital care external courses;
• maintain Faculty standards in the delivery of courses;
• oversee the issuing of certificates for Faculty endorsed courses and manage commercial contracts.
There are three levels of support/endorsement:
• Support Training: the FPHC support the concept and endeavours of a course. The FPHC RCSEd is pleased to support the endeavours in Prehospital training of this organisation.
• FPHC endorse the course content.
• FPHC endorse the course content and delivery.

The Chair of the Training & Standards Committee is Dr David Bruce.

Clinical Standards Committee

The Committee ensures the Faculty is kept clinically current. This is achieved by:

• reviewing and updating the core material manual
• producing robust and evidence-based clinical guidance in the form of Consensus Statements, Position statements and Signposting to Best practice documents
• engaging with outside agencies in order to provide a single Faculty response to Clinical questions.

The Chair of the Clinical Standards Committee is Dr Charlotte Haldane.

Communication Committee

• Handle all matters that relate to communicating with members, stakeholders and interested parties
• Oversee newsletters, official communications, social media platforms, online presence and assist the FPHC Chair, Office Bearers and Faculty Manager with media contact
• Manage a communications strategy with alignment with FPHC strategy
• To provide advice and online guidance in areas including career progression, gaining experience, ‘staying safe’ and educational opportunities
• To act as a conduit between the above groups and the FPHC Advisory Board, facilitating questions and discussion from members and to assist in FPHC project work
• To encourage FPHC membership and engagement

The Chair of the Communications Committee is Mr Neil Flowers.








Upcoming System Maintenance & Network Disruption

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be intermittent interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 27th of February. There will be further interruption to some core services on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of March.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
